speaker — Onboard Speaker

The main functionality and function of the speaker module



Stop all sounds.


Playing an audio file, the function will not block when playing, but if it is called continuously, the next playback will stop the previous playback, Parameters:

  • file_name String type, the audio file name of the wav format burned in Codey Rocky flash. When inputting, the format suffix .wav can also be omitted
The optional sound file has
hello.wav       : hello
hi.wav          : hi
bye.wav         : bye
yeah.wav        : yeah
wow.wav         : wow
laugh.wav       : laugh
hum.wav         : hum
sad.wav         : sad
sigh.wav        : sigh
annoyed.wav     : annoyed
angry.wav       : angry
surprised.wav   : scared
yummy.wav       : pettish
curious.wav     : curious
embarrassed.wav : embarrassed
ready.wav       : ready
sprint.wav      : sprint
sleepy.wav      : snore
meow.wav        : meow
start.wav       : start
switch.wav      : switch
beeps.wav       : beeps
buzzing.wav     : buzz
exhaust.wav     : air-out
explosion.wav   : explosion
gotcha.wav      : gotcha
hurt.wav        : painful
jump.wav        : jump
laser.wav       : laser
level up.wav    : level-up
low energy.wav  : low-energy
metal clash.wav : metal-clash
prompt tone.wav : prompt-tone
right.wav       : right
wrong.wav       : wrong
ring.wav        : ringtone
score.wav       : score
shot.wav        : shot
step_1.wav      : step_1
step_2.wav      : step_2
wake.wav        : activate
warning.wav     : warning

The audio file is played until it stops, and the function blocks playback, that is, the next instruction cannot be executed until the sound is played, parameter:

  • file_name String type, the audio file name of the wav format burned in Codey Rocky flash. When inputting, the format name .wav can also be omitted. For specific optional parameters, see play_melody.
speaker.play_note(note_num, beat = None)

Play note, digital note definitions please refer to: scratch digital note description, prameters:

  • note_num numeric value, range of values 48 - 72, or string type, such as C4.
  • beat value data, indicates the number of beats, the default value is always playing.

notes and frequency is as follows:

['C2','65'],   ['D2','73'],   ['E2','82'],   ['F2','87'],
['G2','98'],   ['A2','110'],  ['B2','123'],  ['C3','131'],
['D3','147'],  ['E3','165'],  ['F3','175'],  ['G3','196'],
['A3','220'],  ['B3','247'],  ['C4','262'],  ['D4','294'],
['E4','330'],  ['F4','349'],  ['G4','392'],  ['A4','440'],
['B4','494'],  ['C5','523'],  ['D5','587'],  ['E5','659'],
['F5','698'],  ['G5','784'],  ['A5','880'],  ['B5','988'],
['C6','1047'], ['D6','1175'], ['E6','1319'], ['F6','1397'],
['G6','1568'], ['A6','1760'], ['B6','1976'], ['C7','2093'],
['D7','2349'], ['E7','2637'], ['F7','2794'], ['G7','3136'],
['A7','3520'], ['B7','3951'], ['C8','4186'], ['D8','4699'],
speaker.play_tone(frequency, time = None)

Play the setting frequency sound, parameters:

  • frequency Numerical data, the frequency of sound which is played, and its value range is 0 ~ 5000.
  • time Numerical data, indicating the playback time (in milliseconds - ms) and its value range is 0 ~ the value range limit.

Stop the beat, parameters:

  • number Numerical data, the number of paused beats, its value range is 0 ~ the value range limit.



Numerical data, the property value of the volume, you can modify or read this value. Modify this value to control the volume. Its value range is 0 ~ 100.


Numerical data, indicating the nature of the playback speed, in bmp (beat per minute), which is the length of each beat.Its value range is 6 ~ 600. The default value is 60, which means that the duration of one beat is 1 second. The beats of the rest and play_note functions are affected by this constant.

Sample Code:

import codey
import time

codey.speaker.play_melody("hello", True)

codey.speaker.play_note(48, 1)
codey.speaker.play_note("C4", 1)
codey.speaker.play_tone(1000, 2)
print("tempo:", end = "")
codey.speaker.play_note("C4", 1)
codey.speaker.tempo = 120
codey.speaker.volume = 20
codey.speaker.play_note("C4", 1)