event — Event Processing Unit

The main functionality and function of the event module

Event processing unit instructions

The way user events are used currently supports two ways of writing. One is registration:

import codey
import time
import event

def start_cb():
    while True:
        codey.led.show(255, 0, 0)
        codey.led.show(0, 0, 0)

The other is to use a decorator, such as:

import codey
import time
import event


def start_callback():
    while True:
        codey.led.show(255, 0, 0)
        codey.led.show(0, 0, 0)



Startup event.


Codey was shaken event.

event.received(callback, msgstr)

Broadcast reception detection event. In addition to the callback parameter, the parameter:

  • msgstr string type, the string to be matched. The event will be triggered when the received string matches the matching string.

Button A pressed event.


Button B pressed event.


Button C pressed event.


Codey left tilt event.


Codey right tilt event.


Codey ear up event.


Codey ear down event.

event.ir_received(callback, ir_str)

Infrared string reception detection event. In addition to the callback parameter, the parameter:

  • ir_str string type, the string to be matched. The event will be triggered when the received string matches the matching string.
event.greater_than(callback, threshold, type_str)

The threshold comparison event, which will be triggered when the threshold is exceeded. In addition to the callback parameter, the parameter:

  • threshold value data, set the threshold for triggering.
  • type_str string data, currently only supports sound_sensor: volume sensor, timer: timer.
event.less_than(callback, threshold, type_str)

Threshold comparison event, triggered below the threshold, in addition to the callback parameter, the parameter:

  • threshold value data, set the threshold for triggering
  • type_str string data, currently only supports light_sensor: light sensor.

Sample Code:

import codey
import event

def button_a_cb():
    print("button a event triggered")

def button_b_cb():
    print("button b event triggered")

def button_c_cb():
    print("button c event triggered")

@event.greater_than(20, "sound_sensor")
def sound_sensor_cb():
    print("sound sensor greater event triggered")

@event.greater_than(5, "timer")
def timer_cb():
    print("timer greater event triggered")

@event.less_than(30, "light_sensor")
def light_sensor_cb():
    print("light sensor event triggered")