urequests — Network Request Module

The main functionality and function of the urequests module


urequests.request(method, url, data=None, json=None, headers={})

Send a network request, it will block the response data returned to the network, parameters:

  • method method of establishing a network request. e.g. HEADGETPOSTPUTPATCH, DELETE.
  • url URL of the network request.
  • data (optional), a dictionary, tuple list [(key, value)] (will be form coded), byte or class file object sent in the request body.
  • json (optional), json data sent in the request body.
  • headers (optional), HTTP header dictionary to be sent with the request.
urequests.head(url, **kw)

Send a HEAD request, the return type is the response of the request, parameters:

  • url URL of the network request.
  • **kw request optional parameters.
urequests.get(url, **kw)

Send a GET request, the return type is the response of the request, parameters:

  • url URL of the network request.
  • **kw request optional parameters.
urequests.post(url, **kw)

Send a POST request, the return type is the response of the request, parameters:

  • url URL of the network request.
  • **kw request optional parameters.
urequests.put(url, **kw)

Send a PUT request, the return type is the response of the request, parameters:

  • url URL of the network request.
  • **kw request optional parameters.
urequests.patch(url, **kw)

Send a PATCH request, the return type is the response of the request, parameters:

  • url URL of the network request.
  • **kw request optional parameters.
urequests.delete(url, **kw)

Send a DELETE request, the return type is the response of the request, parameters:

  • url URL of the network request.
  • **kw request optional parameters.

Sample Code 1:

import codey
import urequests as requests
import time

# Fill in your router's ssid and password here.
codey.wifi.start('wifi_ssid', 'password')
while True:
    if codey.wifi.is_connected():
        res = requests.get(url='http://www.baidu.com/')

Sample Code 2:

import codey
import urequests as requests
import time

# Fill in your router's ssid and password here.
codey.wifi.start('wifi_ssid', 'password')
hour = minite = second = "00"
while True:
    if codey.wifi.is_connected():
            res = requests.get(url = 'http://www.time.ac.cn/timeflash.asp?user=flash').text
            hour_begin = res.find('<hour>') + len('<hour>')
            hour_end = res.find('</hour>')
            minite_begin = res.find('<minite>') + len('<minite>')
            minite_end = res.find('</minite>')
            second_begin = res.find('<second>') + len('<second>')
            second_end = res.find('</second>')
            if hour_begin > len('<hour>') and hour_end > hour_begin and \
               minite_begin > len('<minite>') and minite_end > minite_begin and \
               second_begin > len('<second>') and second_end > second_begin:

                if hour_end - hour_begin == 1:
                    hour = '0' + res[hour_begin:hour_end]
                elif hour_end - hour_begin == 2:
                    hour = res[hour_begin:hour_end]

                if minite_end - minite_begin == 1:
                    minite = '0' + res[minite_begin:minite_end]
                elif minite_end - minite_begin == 2:
                    minite = res[minite_begin:minite_end]

                if second_end - second_begin == 1:
                    second = '0' + res[second_begin:second_end]
                elif second_end - second_begin == 2:
                    second = res[second_begin:second_end]

                print(hour + ":" + minite + ":" + second)
                cur_time = hour + ':' + minite;
            print("get error data")

Sample Code 3:

import codey
import urequests as requests
import ujson

# user_account and password is mblock's account and password
def get_user_request_header():
    post_data = ujson.dumps({ 'account': 'user_account', 'password': 'password'})
    request_url = 'http://passport2.makeblock.com/v1/user/login'
    res = requests.post(request_url, headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}, data = post_data).json()
    header_data = ''
    if res['code'] == 0:
        header_data = { "content-type": 'application/json; charset=utf-8', "devicetype": '1'}
        header_data["uid"] = str(res['data']['user']['uid'])
        header_data["deviceid"] = '30AEA427EC60'
    return header_data

# Get weather information
# cid: checkpoint id
# arg: Information to be queried
#            aqi:  Air Quality Index
#            pm25: PM2.5 concentration
#            pm10: PM10 concentration
#            co:   Carbon monoxide concentration
#            so2:  Sulfur dioxide concentration
#            no2:  Nitrogen dioxide concentration
def get_air_quality_info(cid, arg):
    if not codey.wifi.is_connected():
        return ''
    post_data = ujson.dumps({ "cid": cid, "arg": arg})
    request_url = 'http://msapi.passport3.makeblock.com/' + 'air/getone'
    res = requests.post(request_url, headers = get_user_request_header(), data = post_data)
    text = res.text
    return float(text)

# Fill in your router's ssid and password here.
codey.wifi.start('wifi_ssid', 'password')
while True:
    if codey.wifi.is_connected():
        data = get_air_quality_info('1539','aqi')  #1539 is Shenzhen checkpoint id