speech_recognition — Speech Recognition

speech_recognition The main functionality and functions of the module


speech_recognition.start(server, language)

Start the speech recognition service, parameters:

  • server - server name
  • language - Recognized language

Gets the error code for the resulting data. The corresponding result of the return value is as follows:

  • 0 : Right back
  • 3300:Incorrect voice input parameters
  • 3301:Voice data is not clear
  • 3302:Authentication failed
  • 3303:Raw audio or server issues
  • 3304:User request overrun (QPS)
  • 3305:User request overrun (pv-daily request volume)
  • 3307: Server side problem
  • 3308:Audio data is too long
  • 3309:Audio data anomaly
  • 3310:Audio file too large
  • 3311:Sampling rate error
  • 3312:Audio format error
  • 3333:Unknown error
  • 3334:Response timeout

Gets the details of the error, string type.


Gets the recognized result and returns an empty string if an error or timeout occurs.


Get the unique identity of voice data, generated by the server system.


Get the speech recognition result, including the whole reply message, such as error message, etc.

Sample Code 1:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import haloboard
import time
import event

def use_code():
    haloboard.wifi.start(ssid = "Maker-guest", password = "makeblock", mode = haloboard.wifi.WLAN_MODE_STA)

        if haloboard.wifi.is_connected() == True:
            print("wifi is connected!")

    while True:
        if haloboard.button.is_pressed():
            haloboard.led.show_all(0, 0, 50)
            haloboard.speech_recognition.start(haloboard.speech_recognition.SERVER_MICROSOFT, haloboard.speech_recognition.LAN_DEFAULT, 2)
            if haloboard.speech_recognition.get_error_code() != 0:
                str = haloboard.speech_recognition.get_error_message()
                print("error_message:" + str)
                result = haloboard.speech_recognition.get_result_code()
                print("result:" + result)
                if '红色' in result:
                    haloboard.led.show_all(50, 0, 0)
                elif '黄色' in result:
                    haloboard.led.show_all(50, 50, 0)
                elif '白色' in result:
                    haloboard.led.show_all(50, 50, 50)
                elif '蓝色' in result:
                    haloboard.led.show_all(0, 0, 50)
                elif '绿色' in result:
                    haloboard.led.show_all(0, 50, 0)
                    haloboard.led.show_all(0, 0, 0)

Sample Code 2:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import haloboard
import time
import event

haloboard.speech_recognition.set_recognition_url(haloboard.speech_recognition.SERVER_MICROSOFT, "http://msapi.passport3.makeblock.com/ms/bing_speech/interactive")
haloboard.speech_recognition.set_token(haloboard.speech_recognition.SERVER_MICROSOFT, "ed8xubrmidv")
# haloboard.speech_recognition.set_account(haloboard.speech_recognition.SERVER_MICROSOFT, "embeded@makeblock.com", "123456")

def use_code():
    haloboard.wifi.start(ssid = "Maker-guest", password = "makeblock", mode = haloboard.wifi.WLAN_MODE_STA)

        if haloboard.wifi.is_connected() == True:
            print("wifi is connected!")

    while True:
        if haloboard.button.is_pressed():
            haloboard.led.show_all(0, 0, 50)
            haloboard.speech_recognition.start(haloboard.speech_recognition.SERVER_MICROSOFT, haloboard.speech_recognition.LAN_DEFAULT, 2)
            if haloboard.speech_recognition.get_error_code() != 0:
                str = haloboard.speech_recognition.get_error_message()
                print("error_message:" + str)
                result = haloboard.speech_recognition.get_result_code()
                print("result:" + result)
                if '红色' in result:
                    haloboard.led.show_all(50, 0, 0)
                elif '黄色' in result:
                    haloboard.led.show_all(50, 50, 0)
                elif '白色' in result:
                    haloboard.led.show_all(50, 50, 50)
                elif '蓝色' in result:
                    haloboard.led.show_all(0, 0, 50)
                elif '绿色' in result:
                    haloboard.led.show_all(0, 50, 0)
                    haloboard.led.show_all(0, 0, 0)