haloboard.mesh — Mesh Broadcast Message

haloboard.mesh The main functionality and functions of the module

Functional Description

This module mainly introduces the function API based on mesh network module.


haloboard.mesh.start(type = "node")

Start mesh communication,parameter:

  • type - Refers to the type in the mesh network, which can be root or node by default.

# mesh boardcast


Get the current number of nodes in the mesh network.


Process mesh messages.

  • msg - Mesh messages that currently need to be processed.

Get the information of the mesh message.

  • msg - Mesh messages that currently need to be processed.

Gets the current state of the mesh message.

  • msg - Mesh messages that currently need to be processed.

# for online mode


Gets the current state of all mesh messages


Get the information of the mesh message a single time.

  • msg - Mesh messages that currently need to be processed.

Sample Code 1:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# as a node
import haloboard
import time
import event

count = 0

def on_start():
    haloboard.mesh.start(type = "node")

def on_button_a_pressed():
    global count
    print("button is pressed")
    haloboard.mesh.broadcast("hello", str(count))
    count += 1

def received_cb():
    print("received message: hello")
    print("value:", haloboard.mesh.get_info("hello"))

Sample Code 2:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# as a root
import haloboard
import time
import event

def on_start():
    haloboard.mesh.start(type = "root")

def on_button_a_pressed():
    print("button is pressed")
    haloboard.mesh.broadcast("hello", '123')

def received_cb():
    print("received message: hello")
    print("value:", haloboard.mesh.get_info("hello"))